Thursday, July 23, 2015

Black Nationalism Today
“Every people should be the originators of their own designs, the projector of their own schemes, and creators of the events that lead to their destiny-the consummation of their desires"


My message today is about the state of Black Nationalism. I will make a short and concise statement then I will present evidence. My sincere beliefs and logical mind is that no other solution will work for our 400 year old problem than Black Nationalism. However, I am willing to concede that not all African Americans are built the same, we may not all agree, and different political and social fractions of us exists and this is normal. Not normal in the sense that the position others take contrary to Black Nationalism are correct. Only that others have freewill to do what they belief and logically conclude to be in their self interest. So my message is not to those fractions but to those who believe and conclude Black Nationalism is the only way. Sango is not in the consensus group, who believes all African Americans are the chosen of God, just because we endured the prophesied slavery or bondage in America we are all God's chosen. Sango believes that only those who obey God's commandments to return to their own people and return to the laws of love and harmony are the chosen. And finally, Sango will not entertain notions of marches, alliances or converting of those who want to be integrationists. I believe we who disagree on this very vital issue should go our separate ways. Because Black Nationalism is the only solution, the only way recognized by God to be the cure for our 400 year old problem. 

I will like to point to an article written by FAGBAMILA FAGUNWA, which is titled, "Black Nationalism: Critiques and Suggestions". Beautifully written, short and concise Mr. Fagunwa lays the issue of Black Nationalism's stagnation on the Black Nationalist. Those who claim to embrace Black Nationalism who for the most part have not put action behind their words. Here's a quote from Mr. Fagunwa: 

 Another major failure of Black Nationalism was and is its incapacity to produce generational wealth to help institutionalize the ideas of nationhood. Without wealth and a true understanding of capitalism, the shouting of a need to build a black nation will ultimately turn out to be vacuous rhetoric. One must admit that capitalism is a complex political economy, and its foundation essentially consisted of the exploitation of African people and the rise of European wealth. This world phenomenon was highlighted in Trinidadian scholar and former Prime Minister Eric Williams’ seminal and classic book, Capitalism & Slavery. Yet, this political economy is the ruling idea as it relates to economics and wealth. The ideas put forth by Adam Smith in The Wealth of Nations set the stages for modern capitalism. Black Nationalists, however, have been unable to participate as a major player in this system due to their failure to produce a product that is in demand locally, nationally, or internationally. Opening up retail stores selling oils, incense, and jewelry hardly qualifies one to be a major participant in a capitalist society. Smith insisted that the wealth of a nation is not determined by money, but by its ability to produce.

I've often said, which sums the above quote, "There is no nation building without institution and no institution without treasury". The Federal government could not function with vast its departments from agriculture to printing without treasury, which comes from the collection of taxes. Taxes are the legal form of group economics.  Black Nationalists have become so divided and divided again, mostly due to Cointelpro activities, but mainly due to the inability to put action behind their words. Also the bizarre attachment to the none agreeing population of African Americans who just will not embrace Black Nationalism. Many Black Nationalists spend much of their time talking, speaking with bullhorns on corners, lecturing and trying in vain to convert none agreeing African Americans who they believe are asleep. Yet Black Nationalists fail to realize that our people will not follow us if there's nothing waiting for them at the end of the road. We have failed to provide the basic needs of food, water, clothing, housing and education to even the few of us. Even in nature, Alphas, leaders of herds, are required to provide for the others to keep presuming leadership. Here's another quote from Mr. Fagunwa that sheds a better light on my statements:

One of the biggest failures of Black Nationalism was and is its inability to produce schools that truly provide knowledge that African people can apply in our desire to construct a state. The establishment of institutions of learning would serve as a direct contrast to the abstract theories created by Europeans and taught in American schools, which are useless when it comes to the application and utilization in African Nation Building. However, no Black Nationalist organization, in its efforts to build a nation, have created schools which have produced priests, politicians, educators, scientists, scholars, economists, physicians, artists, engineers, soldiers, agriculturalists, construction workers, carpenters, students of government, or any of the major occupations that are necessary to properly produce and operate a nation. But, most importantly, no institution of learning among nationalists has grounded African people in the traditions, customs, spirituality, and culture of their ancient African ancestry. Thus, this major failure has caused Black Nationalists generation after generation to be lost and without a concrete agenda in Nation Building. 

Now looking at this passage we can see how important it is to support Dr. Umar Johnson's efforts to fund a school for Black boys. Because what Dr. Umar Johnson was trying to accomplish is stated clearly above as a production of human beings capable of building a nation. We can't think by sending our children to public schools or private schools of others, if we can afford it, that this will produce for us the quality of craftsmen and craftswomen needed to run a nation. So we have failed to address a Black Nationalist issue. And the reason for that failure lies within the Black Nationalists hands. It also lies within our hands to change this sorry state of conditions by funding school programs that are suggested by us. 

Here's a Biblical quote that speaks to the failure of Israel leadership, this includes all African American leadership as we are the modern Israel, the people held in 400 years of bondage. Isaiah 56:

0Israel’s watchmen are blind,
they all lack knowledge;
they are all mute dogs,
they cannot bark;
they lie around and dream,
they love to sleep.
11They are dogs with mighty appetites;
they never have enough.
They are shepherds who lack understanding;
they all turn to their own way,
they seek their own gain.
12“Come,” each one cries, “let me get wine!
Let us drink our fill of beer!
And tomorrow will be like today,
or even far better.”

The solution from Isaiah:

And it will be said: 
Build up, build up, prepare the road. 
Remove the obstacles from out of the way of the people. 
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